§ 13-32a-112.5. Division may exempt certain businesses by rule -- No local government enforcement on exempt businesses -- Temporary businesses subject to chapter.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) The division may exempt specific classes of businesses from regulation under this chapter by rules made under Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
    (b) The division shall consult with the board in determining which classes of businesses to exempt under this section.
    (2) Businesses the division may exempt are classes of commercial enterprises clearly defined by administrative rule and that do not involve transactions in property that is recognized by law enforcement as regularly subject to theft and subsequent efforts to pawn or sell.
    (3) Municipal and county criminal and civil enforcement regarding the provisions of this chapter may not be imposed on businesses exempted under this section.
    (4) Any pawn or secondhand business not exempted by this section and that operates on a temporary basis or from a location that is not a permanent retail location:
    (a) shall comply with the provisions of this chapter; and
    (b) is subject to enforcement of the provisions of this chapter.
Amended by Chapter 284, 2012 General Session